There is so much information out there these days and so many different places to get your information that its hard to keep up. So where do you turn to in order to find advice and see if your baby is on track developmentally? For me, that's usually to Instagram. It's a quick overview of information that I can easily navigate through and then decide if I want to dive deeper into any of the topics. If I do decide I want to look into something further, then I usually turn to the mom blogs. But the first place, is Instagram. Below are some of my very favorite accounts to follow for tips in different areas of baby's development.
TakingCaraBabies - Cara is a nurse who is married to a pediatrician and she specializes in sleep. Her tips are easily applicable and she's easy to listen to.
Physical Milestones:
TheMovementMama - Kailee is a pediatric physical therapist. There are highlights for different life stages so you can meet your baby's development where they need you.
Kinesio_Kids - Emily is also a pediatric physical therapist. This one is good for troubleshooting any issues or problems you are seeing in baby's physical development. There are reels showing you her working with her actual patients and seeing their improvement.
Purposeful_play_pt - Danielle is a pediatric physical therapist that give you tips on how to make play time developmentally appropriate to encourage physical milestones.
Learnwithchatterboxes - A team of speech language pathologists that introduces concepts and tips for playing with your child to encourage language development.
Speechsisters - Brooke and Bridget are a sister duo that are both speech language pathologists that give you easy to follow steps for building a good language foundation with your child.
Biglittlefeelings - Deena and Kristin are a team that shows the real ins and outs of child behavior and how to help stop tantrums and control the chaos while developing your child's emotional range.
feedinglittles - Megan & Judy are a dietician and occupational feeding therapist that give tips and tricks on building good eating habits and getting your child to eat everything.
MotherCould - Myriam gives lots of play activities and recipes for activities with your kids to keep them entertained and developing different skills.
Candokiddo - Rachel is an occupational therapist that shows a lot of different play ideas for your little one to develop and grow.
If you have any other accounts you like to follow let us know in the comments - we are always looking for new tips and tricks to make our lives easier. So hold yourself a little higher, give a shout out to all the other mamas out there doing their thing, and carry on with your multi-tasking, kick-ass attitude, because that's all there is left to do and we're all in this together!
